People Fixer Partnership Program
We help professionals from all social fields, to get to the next level!
If you are:
Performance coach or any other type of coach
Psychologist, therapist, or consultant
Relationships advisor
Leadership development professional
…or and any other kind of professionals working in the field of people development.
We provide an edge for you to use in your work so that you gain a competitive advantage and position as the best professional in your field
Efficiency and Effectiveness
We give you the ability to help your clients achieve their desired outcomes faster, more efficiently, timely, and greatly optimizing their resources by focusing only on the strategic strengths and weaknesses that psychological profiling highlights.
Additional monetization channel
By using our methodology, you get a direct new monetization channel, that has the potential to bring a serious income flow in addition to your normal services.
Remove uncertainty and risk
Accessing reliable and valid psychological profiling methodology will help you reduce uncertainty and risk in your work with your clients about working and developing the wrong stuff in them. Imagine never again worrying if you are going to be helpful enough or valuable enough to your customers and if you had identified the problem correctly.
Improve your results
The immediate in-depth knowledge of your clients’ profiles will increase dramatically your chances to achieve faster and greater results with them. Imagine knowing instantly exactly what to work on with every single different client of yours, how to speak to them and what motivates them.
Data-driven insights
Increase your client’s chances of success by using and providing data-driven, scientifically-based insights and feedback to adapt and improve your coaching strategies and therefore their results.
Expand your network & gain access
You will be joining a community of like-minded professionals who share best practices and support each other. Furthermore, you will be getting support from our team and access to the latest know-how in the fields of personality, social psychology, neurobiology, and personal development.
Improve trust
Helping your clients to identify, pursue and achieve the right (for them) strategic goals, based on their deep psychological characteristics is positioning you as a trusted advisor, eliminating any potential doubts in your clients.
Recognition & Business growth
Achieving timely and qualitative results will immediately lead to expanding your network of clients and building a great reputation through referrals and endorsements for your company.
It is a ready-to-use methodology, aimed to identify the gap between where the end client wants/needs to be, and where they currently are.
This, in turn, shows precisely what challenges they need to address, and what competencies they need to develop in order to close “the gap” between the two.
Psychological Profiling
Process of in-depth psychological profiling (comprised of a set of normed, bi-lingual digital instruments, assessing 180 characteristics of human nature + 3 personal sessions).
An in-depth report
A fully personalized PDF report about the human nature of the assessed person + a professional feedback-providing model, based on the report.
Strategic Goal-setting Metodology
A model for strategic life goal setting, based on the results of the profiling;
Profile-based Development Program
An entire program for strategic competencies development (for each of the 180 characteristics);
With what kinds of clients is the methodology applicable?
Everything in our life can be traced back in time to something we have done, said, or decided (or respectively, haven’t done…).
This is also the reason why we are entirely responsible for everything happening in our life.
On the other hand, the things we do, decide and say are entirely driven by the characteristics of our human nature.
Therefore anything we do, decide, and say is influenced by it!
So the answer is – no matter what types of clients you have, in no matter what kinds of situations, and no matter their goals, they will greatly benefit from understanding their human nature.
And you, as the provider, will greatly benefit from understanding them better!
For some specific ideas, you could check what we use it for from here
Step 1: Profiling the Professional
You go through the entire process of psychological profiling in order to:
- Get the benefits of the program
- Understand the process in-depth
- Learn how to do it yourself
Step 2: Developing & Supervising the Professional
You execute the process with your clients, under our supervision:
- You find 3 separate clients
- The first time we lead the sessions, you – observe
- The two times – you lead the sessions. we observe and provide feedback afterwards
Step 3: Receiving the Rights
You gain access and the rights to re-sell the methodology to your clients:
- Your own branding over the instruments;
- Daily access to educational materials and know-how;
- An in-depth understanding of the latest developments in related fields: (personality, social psychology, neurobiology, personal development, individual consulting, and others)
- Useful materials for everyday work with your clients
- Direct contact with professionals from similar fields, that are open and willing to exchange ideas, opportunities, and referrals;
(Let’s get in touch…)